Mission Statement

"We, the dedicated members of the 2012-2013 Student Council of PSUAD will commit ourselves and challenge each other to encourage and promote artistic, academic, athletic and cultural activities in PSUAD, and to be the intermediary voice between the students and the administration.
As we seek to enhance the student experience in PSUAD, we are here to advocate for all, and to be open to any suggestion and opinion of our fellow students." Student Council 2012-2013

Weekly Video

lundi 22 avril 2013

Updates on TEDxPSUAD Speakers "Sneak Peak"

Good morning to all, 

Its only monday we know how hard it can be especially when the weekend is still fresh in our minds. But we have some great news to announce regarding our upcoming TEDx next week. We can only announce 3 speakers as of now !!!! YAY !!!!

1- Alia al Mazroeui - with her profound experience in Human Resources, Alia pursued a joint-venture by Co-Founding what is now a famous franchise in the UAE called "Just Falafel" you can tweet them up on Twitter @justfalafel or Tweet Alia's Personal Account @Alia_mazroeui for more on what she has in store for us next week.

2- Marwan AKA DJ BLISS - An Emarati who pushed the boundaries to pursue his dream of becoming a famous DJ. DJ BlISS has been awarded Best Local DJ 2011 by TimeOut NighLife, and Best Urban Night for his 411 saturdays. You can Tweet Him up on twitter @DJBLISS or follow his facebook Fan Page DJBLISS. Click here for more information on his upcoming events etc. 

3- Buthaina AL Mazrui & Alamira Noor Bani Hashim - The ladies behind the Dinner Club by N.57. If you have not heard of this club thats because its a secret dinner hosted by the ladies in the most random locations in Abu Dhabi. So far the girls have confirmed that they hosted an Emarati themed dinner for the one and only "Christian Louboutine". They have Hosted other dinners of course, however these dinner our SUPER EXCLUSIVE because you have to be invited to be able to experience this secret food mania. And you might be please to hear that they also have confirmed that we might be seeing a futur restaurant called N.57 where we might not gain the same experience of the locations etc, but we'll be able to taste the food the girls have created. You can tweet them on twitter @thedinnerclub57 or you can follow their personal accounts @buthainaAM and @Alamiranoor57

Have a wonderful day,
Student Council 


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