Mission Statement

"We, the dedicated members of the 2012-2013 Student Council of PSUAD will commit ourselves and challenge each other to encourage and promote artistic, academic, athletic and cultural activities in PSUAD, and to be the intermediary voice between the students and the administration.
As we seek to enhance the student experience in PSUAD, we are here to advocate for all, and to be open to any suggestion and opinion of our fellow students." Student Council 2012-2013

Weekly Video

mercredi 17 avril 2013


Hey all, 
Next Thursday, 25th of April our very own "Sorbonnian" and Student Council Member Farah Chamma will be co-hosting a OPEN MIC event within the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair "ADIBF". Poets of all ages, languages and with or without credentials are invited to come read their work to the public. We know we have some Poetic Sorbonnians on compus, so if you would like to participate in the competition "oh yea we forgot mention you could be the winner to some cool prizes" or maybe just support our fellow comrade during this event. 

For more information on both the competition and the event itself you can contact Farah directly at Farah.chamma@hotmail.com 

Place:  Book Fair - ADNEC
Date: Thursday, 25th of April
Time : 07:00 pm 

Happy Wednesday. 
Student Council 

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