Mission Statement

"We, the dedicated members of the 2012-2013 Student Council of PSUAD will commit ourselves and challenge each other to encourage and promote artistic, academic, athletic and cultural activities in PSUAD, and to be the intermediary voice between the students and the administration.
As we seek to enhance the student experience in PSUAD, we are here to advocate for all, and to be open to any suggestion and opinion of our fellow students." Student Council 2012-2013

Weekly Video

dimanche 24 mars 2013


Happy Sunday to ALL, 
I am sure Sundays are the longest days of the week, especially after a great weekend.. but eventually we all have get use to our uni schedule. 
SO appart from it being the Francophone Month, theres this really cool conference/ workshop happening tomorrow (25th of march 2013). 
Its a health and safety workshop starting at 6:00pm till 7:00pm in the Richelieu Amphitheater. I don't know about you, but I find it difficult to find the medications I normally take (US Based drugs) and well for me most of the Medication in the UAE are all different, and certain Drugs in the UAE are prescribed drugs where as in the US there over the counter drugs.And apart from that my mom usually knows whats best for me, but considering shes not here to help me out, or even when she advises me, I would never find the same type of Medication here in the UAE. SO I think its a really interesting conference not only health wise but also Legally ... :D SO this might interest certain SOON to be LAWYERS @PSUAD if your interested in the penal side of things and would like to know what drugs are considered illegal in the UAE heres your chance to know more on the UAE drug policy. 

The conference is being held by Dr. Ali Al Marzooqi who is the directer of Public Health and Research. The workshop/ conference's goal is to spread proper Drug education in UAE.

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