Mission Statement

"We, the dedicated members of the 2012-2013 Student Council of PSUAD will commit ourselves and challenge each other to encourage and promote artistic, academic, athletic and cultural activities in PSUAD, and to be the intermediary voice between the students and the administration.
As we seek to enhance the student experience in PSUAD, we are here to advocate for all, and to be open to any suggestion and opinion of our fellow students." Student Council 2012-2013

Weekly Video

mercredi 20 mars 2013


The UAE has had an influx in the recent years with a nice french vibe both in Dubai and our lovely city of Abu Dhabi. Now more then ever we can see more and more events created specially for francophones in the region. Seems like PSUAD will start the festive season tomorrow with our internationals day (21st of March 3:00pm till 6:00pm), then comes the French Beach festival on the 22nd of march "for more info check our Twitter page", and last but not least is this wonderful FrancoFilm Festival from the 23rd of march till the 29th with a wide rage of different cinematographers from different countries that have a french influence in one way or another. 


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