Mission Statement

"We, the dedicated members of the 2012-2013 Student Council of PSUAD will commit ourselves and challenge each other to encourage and promote artistic, academic, athletic and cultural activities in PSUAD, and to be the intermediary voice between the students and the administration.
As we seek to enhance the student experience in PSUAD, we are here to advocate for all, and to be open to any suggestion and opinion of our fellow students." Student Council 2012-2013

Weekly Video

samedi 25 mai 2013


Hey ALL !!!

SOOO WE can see that everyone is stressing over the finals. And well if you want to get away for a bit, you can always check out the TEDx videos  !!!!


Student Council 

samedi 18 mai 2013

une soirée en l'honneur 23 mai, 2013

" Chers Étudiants, 

En partenariat avec le département de la vie étudiante, le Student Council organise une soirée en l'honneur des troisièmes années le Jeudi 23 Mai, dans la cafétéria de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi. Pour l'occasion, un repas sera servi aux étudiants et de la musique sera mis à leur disposition. Chaque étudiant de troisième année aura le loisir de convier un ou deux autres étudiants (de première ou deuxième année) de l'Université à cet évènement. 

Veuillez envoyer les informations suivantes par mail à Seloua Joubert (Seloua.Joubert@psuad.ac.ae) : Votre nom, prénom, et numéro de téléphone, ainsi que ceux de vos invités.


Student Council "

mercredi 1 mai 2013


Hey all, 
First of all Happy Wednesday ! We know that all of you must be running around making sure you have all your notes ready and prepared for your finals due in 3 weeks. The student council wishes you all the best of luck. 
We know that studying consumes allot of energy and we know you would need RIGHT KIND of food to regain all that used up energy !!! So here's OUR HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE !! Now with every order from SUSHI CENTRAL all sorbonne students get a 15% discount off the overall bill !!!!!!!!
ALL you need to do is mention your a student @PSUAD and show your Student ID Card to the delivery man for verifications OR if your at the restaurant before asking for the bill inform your waiter/ess that your a student and show him/her your Student ID Card. 

For more information click here !!!

Have a wonderful Day, 
Student Council

mercredi 24 avril 2013

Charity Gala Dinner for Operation Smile (Ladies ONLY)

Dear Ladies, 
We have been invited to a Charity Gala Dinner in which all the proceeds go to Operation Smile org. in Abu Dhabi. For those of you have never heard of them, they basically have pro-bono (they work for free) surgents who operate on children born with a cleft (which is a deformity of the upper lip)and basically these doctors operate to give these children the ability to smile and eat properly inorder to lead healthy lives. The university will provide a bus service from campus to and from the event which will start at 8:00PM and end at 11:00PM. 
If you would like to register for this event, you would have to go to the Student Affaire office, pay a fee of 100aed that will go to this non profit organisation. there is indeed a deadline which is Thursday 2nd of May 2013. 

The Charity Gala Dinner will take place the 5th of May 2013 !!

We are "ASSUMING" that its a black tie event since the word GALA DINNER is mentioned, we are also told that there will be a live orchestra playing in between the courses "meals", and that there are some activities during the event. 

We hope that you will support this wonderful cause. 
Student Council 

Here is a little bit of information on Operation Smile: 

Every three minutes a child somewhere in the world is born with a cleft. One in 10 will die before their first birthday. Many of the children who survive live their lives in shame, hiding their faces because of this tragic deformity. Operation Smile was founded on the belief that no child should suffer or die because of a facial deformity.

Operation Smile is an international children’s charity committed to saving lives and allowing children with clefts to smile properly for the first time. We do this by providing free surgeries and after care to those affected. Since our founding in 1982 we have provided more than 200,000 free surgeries to children and young adults around the world and over 2 million comprehensive healthcare evaluations.

Operation Smile UAE is a new Foundation. We have been established since January 2011 and have so far been involved in the following missions:

·         Amman, Jordan (Dec 2010)

·         Fez, Morocco (March 2011)

·         Cebu and Davao, Philippines (Feb/March 2011)

·         Mumbai, India (Feb/March 2012)

·         Wenshan, China (March 2012)

·         In June 2012 we are funding a mission to Amman, Jordan, where we plan to operate on 120 children.

We have held several fund raising events in the UAE which have helped to raise much needed funds. We also have a busy program of volunteer recruitment as we credential and mobilise medical volunteers for attending overseas missions. In addition to this we have recruited hundreds of volunteers with a wide variety of other expertise to help with every aspect of our organisation.

As well as raising funds to carry out overseas missions we put a lot of effort into creating a big social impact here in the UAE. We work hard to increase awareness and raise our profile, to inspire action and to actively participate in our local health communities.

In the short time we have been active we have developed close ties with schools, universities, hospitals and businesses. We have an exciting and busy agenda in the coming weeks and months and we invite you to join us as we seek to bring new smiles to more faces!


We remember when PSUAD first opened the doors of their NEW CAMPUS to their wonderful SORBONNIANS about 3 years ago, and we also remember that the PSUAD was the only fully functional structure on the Island. Apart from that, We are sure that everyone already forgot the days where the bridge was not ready for cars to go over, and the amount of construction there used to be make the roads what it looks like today "We're sure everyone refers to those days as the days where Reem Island didn't have radars ahhaha" but looking back at how much has changed on Reem Island in just three years its unbelievable, we now have a resident supermarket "waitrose", Saloon, Pharmacie, RESTAURANTS and our very own central perk AKA La Brioche that has become the go to cafe for most SORBONNIANS. Although allot of people have forgotn that when the Island Of Reem "OPENED" they "the developers" announced that one of the projects will include THE REEM ISLAND MALL, at the time we thought it was myth, its said to be even bigger than DUBAI Mall ... Anyhow we found their official website, that includes a gallery of what the infrastructure will/might look like. However, we have been searching all over the website to find a report on when they might finish or start to build .... E